Have you ever found yourself looking at other women's handbags and trying to guess who the designer is? It's fun, isn't it? Name The Designer is exactly that. One of the 500 handbags is displayed and you have to name the designer from a list of 4 possible designers. Can you tell the difference between a $250 DKNY and a $5000 Valentino? Just for fun, after naming the designer, the retail price is displayed. You'll be amazed at the prices of some of these handbags.
To give you incentive to score better, we have created the "Unlockables" - a list of the top 5 luxury brand values in handbags. A profile and brand logo is included, after unlocked have the perfectly scaled logo as your wallpaper.
Game Center Leaderboard Game Center Achievements 500 handbags
some of the designers: Bottega Veneta Burberry Christian Louboutin DKNY Dolce & Gabbana Fendi Gucci Hermes Jimmy Choo Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs Michael Kors Miu Miu Prada The Row Tory Burch Valentino Versace Victoria Beckham Yves Saint Laurent